This Just In..."What A Pro-Life Conservative Learned From The Founder Of Planned Parenthood."

Check Out These Stunning Topics That Came From The Book!

  • Sex Ed - Who Should Teach?
  • ​Being a Girl - Is It Like Being A Boy? 
  • Prepared For Puberty? 
  • Can We Control Our Sexual Impulse?
  • What's The Big Deal About Pornography?
  • ​When Does Life Begin?
  • What's That Called? New Being, Clump Of Cells, Human Embryo, Child?
  • ​Care For Abortive Women?
  • ​What Are The Consequences Of My Ignorance And My Silence? 
  • ​Is Abstinence The Answer?
  • ​What About Sexually Transmitted Diseases And Infections?
  • Should I Be Pro-Choice Or Pro-Life? 
  • How Does Something Written Over 100 Years Ago Affect Me Now? 

You’re about to learn some INCREDIBLE insights from the woman who founded Planned Parenthood!

You'll have access to an insider view of what Planned Parenthood was founded upon and how this applies in your own life and that of your children, grandchildren, and other loved little ones.

How would you like to have additional insights to INSPIRE, ENCOURAGE, AND CHALLENGE
you in developing your perspective on the dignity of human life?

Here's A Special Offer --

Get Margaret Sanger's book, 
"What Every Girl Should Know" and comprehensive discussion guide.

***FOR ONLY $47!!!

Are you pro-choice?

Are you pro-life?

Are you willing to change your view?

Do you know why you stand for the things you believe?

Does it matter now more than at any time in human history

WHat EVery girl should know ebook 
and discussion guide 
Regularly $97 - Limited Special Offer - Only $47
  • Bonus: 3 Audio/Video Files, 3 Written Files from Margaret Sanger's Popular Writings - Reg. $197  
  • Surprise Giveaway - Entry into Drawing for One Fully Paid Train-the-Trainer Content License - $397
**Only $47**

We Look Forward to Joining Forces With You In Knowing Why We Believe What We Believe...TODAY!

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: You'll Be Surprised To Discover The Realities Of What Happens When Timid Parents Let Children And Teens Learn About Sex From Planned Parenthood And Pornography. Get The Webinar And Guide To "What Margaret Sanger Taught Me - All I Know About Sex I Learned From Planned Parenthood And Pornography.

The Who Behind The Why:

My name's Kimberly LoveJoy, but my friends call me "KP." As the founder of LoveJoyCO, I learned about Margaret Sanger years ago and invited her perspectives to challenge me in embracing empathy and compassion. As you consider her words in "What Every Girl Needs To Know," ask yourself why people choose abortion and then discover where you stand.

20+ years' non-profit and federal government service in child development, family life education, financial counseling, human relations, career counseling, resilience training, and violence prevention guide my passion to help heal our hurting humanity and allow God to propel us into our OVERCOMER stories.

Everything I do supports the dignity of every human life. I believe all lives matter -- the least of these, the most vulnerable, those unable to protect themselves, precious babies in the wombWalking beside many who've faced unplanned pregnancies, I received a call as a freshman in college that would change my life. When a loved one faced an unplanned teenage pregnancy, her mother was going to force her into an abortion. I made a promise I would drop out of college and raise the baby myself before I would allow that to happen. Yes, I too have OVERCOME multiple traumas and adversities in life. 

As such, I helped thousands of individuals, couples, and teams around the world learn how to fortify their walls of resilience (spiritually, mentally, relationally, physically, financially, and vocationally).

A masters in Human Relations-Counseling also helps this Colorado girl have faith that EVERYONE can transform from broken to breakthrough and live fully revived in our OVERCOMER storiesI inspire mankind to treat others as a BLESSING, not a burden. Rooting firmly in LOVE. Choosing JOY when surrounded by overwhelming despair. Speaking LIFE. Embracing TRUTH. Offering PEACE and REST when the world’s falling apart. Eternity planted in the human heart. GRATITUDE. Sharing HOPE. Shining LIGHT. Breaking up with shame. Blessing others out of abundance. Contagious enthusiasm and passion. Authenticity and vulnerability. FORGIVENESS. Mental Toughness. Extending GRACE. Believing the best in each other. Being vs. doing. Adapting and overcoming. LOVING GOD, LOVING PEOPLE. Living in FREEDOM. Instead of lamenting “Why me?” believing we are the authors of our own destiny, and can CHOOSE to live in the fullness of GOD'S PROMISES rather than allowing a victim mentality to reign. We get to CHOOSE to BELIEVE we have a Heavenly Father—God who loves us, always keeps His promises, and we can trust.

 “Every life is sacred, for we all carry the Imago Dei.”
Your Transformation Coach 
and Encourager: 
Kimberly "KP" LoveJoy

 Transformational Coach, Speaker of Life, Encourager in the Faith, Bondservant of God, Believer in LOVE, Carrier of JOY, Lover of People, Defender of Truth

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