In the Midst of a Pandemic PornFreeCO released a much needed survival Kit!

The Darkness of Desire Survival Kit Contains A Webinar And eBook Study Guide Detailing Personal Stories And Current Trends Of Violence And Exploitation In Human Sexuality For ONLY $47. 

It Took A global pandemic 
For Us To Open Our Eyes...

you may be in a situation where you and your loved
ones Are Falling Into the Darkness of Desire.

Sexting, Sugaring, Strangulation, Sextortion, And So On...
These Alarming Trends Are Hijacking The Sexual Scripts of Teens, Young Adults, and College Students Everywhere. 

Don't Get Caught Unaware!

Discover The Trends Of What's Happening In Human Sexuality So You Can Create A Blueprint For Sexual Wholeness. 

**The Darkness of Desire Survival Kit Contains A Webinar And eBook Study Guide Detailing Personal Stories And Current Trends Of Violence And Exploitation In Human Sexuality For ONLY $47. 

Crisis Management 

Do these words have meaning? Sugaring, strangulation, revenge porn, sextortion, deepfake? Sexuality 101 leaves our most vulnerable falling into dangerous traps. Learn more about the darkness of desire. 

Yellow! Yellow! Yellow! 

In motorsports, the yellow flag is raised in times of caution. Human sexuality's warning lights are on as we encounter this present darkness. 

How To Heal The Human Heart

The human heart longs to be seen, valued, appreciated, respected, and loved. Trends in the darkness of desire have no use for human hearts. As you learn the trends, you change the future. 

Connect, Protect, and Respect

Discover how to reinforce the foundations of empathy and compassion to ignite the hope for connection through sexual intimacy. 
  • ​Webinar and eBook Study Guide: Prepare college students, young adults, parents, educators, civic groups, and community leaders for understanding some of the risky and dangerous trends in violent and exploitative sexuality - even human trafficking.
  • Features: Upgrade your belief system of thoughts about human sexuality by examining the scene. It won't take long to see how society is conditioning children, teens, young adults, and college students to believe sexuality involves violence and exploitation. 
  • Soul Food: As trends in violence link to sexuality, we normalize distraction by watching a “little” porn that feeds the desire for more darkness. When we don't feed our brains with the types of stimulus they need, brains are re-wired to seek nefarious entertainment. 
  • ​Stress 101: During the pandemie, stresses to our physical, mental, relational, vocational, and financial well being are leading us to rewire our brains toward negative forms of entertainment and behavior. When bodies and brains are stressed, human inclination is to find an easy button…something to numb or even cause pain.  
  • Result: ​If we don’t address the monkeys in the room, nothing will ever change, so let’s unpack the trends, talk about how the darkness of desire is hurting an entire generation, and create new ideas for having uncomfortable yet crucial conversations. 

**The Darkness of Desire Survival Kit Contains A Webinar And eBook Study Guide Detailing Personal Stories And Current Trends Of Violence And Exploitation In Human Sexuality For ONLY $47. 

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